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Think Again Webinar Series: OEMs on the Move Part 3

Customer Expectations Have Changed, Which Means it’s Time to Change the Way Your Business is Transforming

Technology OEM transformation is more expansive than changing a business model. Rather, transformation spans every function of the business. Customers are looking for solutions that can solve their problems quickly — and they want these solutions now. Through in-depth research, we have uncovered the challenges technology OEMs are facing and how they are achieving business transformation while keeping their customers satisfied.

Watch the third installment of “OEMs on the Move” from the Think Again Webinar Series and learn about two additional critical insights from IT OEMs surrounding their brand and new partnering strategies.

In “OEMs on the Move Part 3,” you’ll learn:

  • Why business transformation is about more than just changing a “hard good” to an “as-a-service” model
  • Why your brand is being challenged and how you can maintain brand continuity and loyalty
  • How to optimize speed, efficiency and transformation across the partner landscape

For further reading, please download “A Roadmap for Technology OEMs,” a whitepaper written by Harvard Business Review Analytics Services in association with Shyft Global Services.

About the Think Again Webinar Series

The game has changed — as customers expect faster and more flexible solutions, your company must adapt in step, achieving your own digital transformation goals while helping customers achieve theirs. Presented by Shyft Global Services, this webinar series covers the following topics to offer a unique perspective on developing new business models that help accelerate transformation:

OEMs on the Move Part 3 Webinar - Tile

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